Monday, November 5, 2012

Minimal Lining - More on Shading

Hi there! It's been a while since i made my last post here, i'm here again to show you my latest tattoo work. We copied the design from google images just to practice tattoo with minimal lining, Please check the image and you will see that the feathers are pure shading. What i did is, I have mixed the black ink in to a solution to make the light shade effect. I know that the picture is in very low quality because i only used my cellphone to take a shot of it, but i will update this once i have taken it into a SLR camera and when it's fully healed.

As you can see, i also used white ink to highlight some parts of the bird.  You will be able to see those on the legs, lower part feathers and eyes and beak. Also, in the feathers effect i just followed the stencil pattern. I also, combined some colors like green and yellow to make the yellow green effect in the leaves. This tattoo ain't done yet, i still have to put some background in it, i also used a 9mag for shading and 5rl for the lining parts. actually it's a whole back tattoo, I'm just excited to show it to you guys on what have i made today.Well like i said earlier, once this whole back tattoo is done. I will take a pictures of it in a high quality camera. For beginners like me, I hope i have shared something to you guys and learned something today. Because unlike other professional tattoo artist out there, they keep their skills secret and doesn't want to share their knowledge.